to apply for vlovie llc…

  1. Please view current opportunities to view job listings.

  2. download or print the employment application BELOW

    1. complete application using adobe or markup or physically print, complete, scan, and email application to VKL@VLOVIE.COM

    2. for 1099 independent contractors please also download & return the tusa contract .

  3. you will receive an email about our current hiring status within 24-48 hours.

    1. if vlovie is hiring, you will Receive a second email stating that your application is in review.

    2. If vlovie Is not hiring or your application is not accepted there will be no second email. The initial email will explain hiring status and employment declined decision.

  4. if your application is accepted after initial review you will receive a third email with 2 interview request dates listed.

    1. please reply to confirm your interview date, time, and Method.

    2. interview may be in person or via zoom.

    3. You will be drug tested during your in person interview or scheduled for a drug test after your zoom interview.

  5. please download the w-9 form below

    1. ONLY first PAGE IS REQUIRED - pages 2 through 6 are instructions.

    2. complete this form and email to on the day of your interview.

    3. please email a copy of your id with the w-9 form on the day of your interview.

  6. you will receive a email about our hire decision within 3-10 business days of your interview.

    1. if hired, the email will include your orientation date, training dates, start date, and first week schedule.

    2. if denied, the email will include the employment declined Decision and the date you are eligible to reapply.